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"Life is short Don't SCREW it"


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back to routine

Now that i'm back in Dresden for 2 weeks. Gosh! it feels so weird for the 1st few days. :S What do you expected after happy bombastic life in Penang for 2 months. Well back to reality, got to start get used to :

1. not driving a car every time i go out but to take the tram and lots of walking

2. not going to the market have my char koey teow for breakfast but t
o eat cereal @ home :(

3. no more laksa for tea time but just cookies with milk (at least there's something)

4. no more Wednesday RM6 movie night with popcorn...oh! popcorn :( but PPS....Gott sei Dank there is PPS (u save my life)

5. no more dim sum for supper with family or friends but to be in bed @ 10:30pm (well at least i led a healthy life, right?)

6. routine life

7. what else?.....i think 6 points is alot, so don't push it!

all i can do now is to count the days till my next adventure..... yeah?



je@n said...

I like no.6 ...haha so cute

lulu said...

cute leh ><


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