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"Life is short Don't SCREW it"


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A long road to walk

Just got a news from the Germany Embassy, i can start to learn German language...YEAH! it's not free but each class will cost only 1 Euro and the total numbers of class is about 630 classes. Not so bad. I hope in 1 year time or less i can speak German, maybe not excellent German but at least above rotten level. So my 2 years plan is that i learn German, Take up a course or maybe work and make more friends. A person without a goal in life is like living in an empty vessel, this is how i fell ever since I'm not working. It's like i have no purpose, no dream but only other's dream to walk in(my husband's). Since I've already chosen this path, i can only go along with it. so KAMPATE!!

Being in a new environment is always challenging. Sometimes it's annoying that when we talk to he/she (Germans), they often turn to another person and speaks in German so that we wouldn't know what they are talking about (wait la u all! I'll learn German and I'll act dumb). But we are not angel either, we gossip in Chinese too...HA HA! Few days ago i got to know a new friend, my husband introduced us. She said that she has learned how to survived in western countries without being bullied by others. I must say I'm really impressed by her strong character and surprisingly we have the same birthday(don't play play with Virgos), but sadly she will be going back to New York soon :( . Did i mention that she is also a Malaysian? she is from KL. he he! Being away from your mother land it's always a pleasure to meet another Malaysian in foreign places. :)


yin ping said...

i like this blog!! Feel so Grace!! hehe ~ Especially this "wait la u all! I'll learn German and I'll act dumb" THUMBS-UP

lulu said...

kam sia kam sia~~ ^^


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