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"Life is short Don't SCREW it"


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Shut UP!!!

Ever being wake up by noises, say someone sleep talking? well i do, so this morning i did some research in 'sleep talking'. It says here that sleep talking is the utterance of speech or sound during sleep without awareness of the event (Yea i think he is not aware of it because after he talks, he end it with a snore). So what are the symptoms?

1. Speech or utterances during sleep
2. Episodes are not associated with awareness of talking.
3. Polysomnography (sleep recording) shows episodes of sleep talking that can occur in and stage of sleep.
4. It can be associated with psychiatric disorders such as anxiety disorders.
5. It can be associated with medical disorders such as fever.
6. It gets better, It can be associated with other sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, or REM sleep behavior disorder.

Thank god that i only experience occasional sleep mumbling from him.
okay moving on, the important question of all. Why do they talk in their sleep??

Nobody knows for sure. Children seem to be prone to it, especially if they sleepwalk too (i know someone who sleepwalk...shhh). Some people carry on whole conversations while others just moan and make other sounds. If the frequency of sleep talking is bothering the family and disrupting sleep form others, there are some things we can keep in mind.

1. Make sure the sleep talker gets plenty of sleep every night, someone who is sleep deprived is more likely to sleep talk.
2. Reduce the stress and anxiety levels.
3. Keep to a regular schedule of going to bed and getting up at the same time.
4. Don't eat a heavy meal right before bedtime. (busted!! every night eat chips with salsa sauce la)
5. If an episode occurs, make sure the sleep talker is safe and gently soothe the. (normally i just shut their mouth up, that will do the trick).

i hope i will have a goodnight sleep tonight.

Gute Nacht!

1 comment:

yoonlun said...

close ur ear using winter ear cover when sleep ... zzz


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