Lately I've discover a problem which most housewives are facing, "What should i cook today?". Simple but a very good question. Standing and staring a product, thinking "should i buy this? or maybe this one?"(talking to yourself is not really helping).
So now I've found a solution to this dilemma(at least it works for me)which is:
Don't bother thinking what to cook just hunt for things which is on discount ><. I think it's a pretty brilliant idea.
1. i won't have headache
2. i save money
3. i got to cook different dishes every week(they have discount on different things every week)
4. hey don't push it! 3 advantages is good enough :P
It doesn't have to be complicated in order to cook something delicious, sometimes simplicity might surprise you.
my very own Subway style sandwich...muhahaha
orange salad
tomato omelet
baked fish with special spices & white spagel (it's full of vitamins and it taste good too)^^
1st time buying a fish and it's UGLY, fish with a clown nose :S (but it does taste yummy) ;P
~Bon appetit~